Announcing the C.S. Lewis Essay Prize

The Center for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Notre Dame has set up a new prize for essays published in a popular venue that discuss the problem of evil in relation to modern thought. The prize is aptly named after C.S. Lewis, who was known for his popular apologetic works, including his book, The Problem of Evil. The Lewis Prize will provide 10 awards of $3000 each.

Essays must be at least 1,000 words in length and must be published in a popular, non-academic publication with a circulation of at least 12,000. Publications can be religious in orientation (e.g., Christianity Today, First Things, Christian Century) or secular (e.g., Harper's, Times Literary Supplement, The National Review, The Atlantic). Selected online publications will also be considered (e.g. Essayists are encouraged to consult with the Center's director to determine the suitability of a proposed venue for prize eligibility. Entries must be accepted for publication between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2013.

Hard copies of entries should be sent to:
C.S. Lewis Essay Prize
c/o Michael Rea, Director
Center for Philosophy of Religion
University of Notre Dame
418 Malloy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Questions about the application process can also be sent to More information is available at the Lewis Prize website.
