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The Gift of Thomas: A Sermon

The Gift of Thomas Sermon preached at Church of the Holy Nativity, Clarendon Hills, IL April 8, 2018 Second Sunday of Easter Lectionary texts: Acts 4:32-35, John 20:19-31 It is real joy for me to be back here among you all. It fills me with great emotion to see all these familiar faces. I bring Easter greetings from Amy, Aidyn, and Elliya. Wherever we go, we sing the praises of Holy Nativity, and we are constantly filled with a longing to be with you all again. This is a special place, and we were blessed to find a home here for the five years we lived in Chicagoland. Some of you know that when we first arrived at CHN, Amy and I were not in the best place. We had just left New Jersey after seven years. During those years we were both fired from a Presbyterian church for not requiring the youth we were leading to attend church, and then a couple years later I was fired from another church for affirming the full inclusion of LGBT people. By the time we moved to Downer...

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