Barth: The Judgment of Humanity in Jesus Christ

Through Jesus Christ men are judged by God. This is their KRISIS, but it is both negation and affirmation, both death and life. In Christ there has appeared an end, but also a beginning, a passing to corruption, but also a becoming new; and both are for the whole world and for all men. For the Redeemer who has been manifested in Christ is the Creator of all things. There is no residue. In Christ, high and low, the just and the unjust, after they have received the same command to halt before the unknown God, have the same access to the Father. ALL flesh is as grass; and it is the will of God that ALL should be saved.

—Karl Barth, The Epistle to the Romans, trans. Edwyn C. Hoskyns, 69.


Gabrielle said…
Amen, that was written beautifully.