
Showing posts from June, 2008

Barth: problematizing the adjective “Christian”

Scrabbled Reveries: a poem

Moltmann on the last judgment

C. K. Williams on poetry and the Iraq War

Is mysticism the way to pluralism?

Christian Wiman: resurrection is empty without the cross

On listening to the still small voice of poetry

Review: Jaroslav Pelikan, Acts

Princeton Theological Review: Theological Exegesis

Two new books by Alan Jacobs

2008 Karl Barth Conference

The problem of evangelicals and art

Review: R. Dale Dawson, The Resurrection in Karl Barth

2008 Karl Barth Blog Conference Index

Funniest opening line for a movie review

Demythologizing the Divide between Barth and Bultmann

Jesus the communist

“No longer any hope for a unified Communion”