Romero on YouTube

This is amazing news. Someone (a saint, really) has posted the entire Romero film on YouTube in eleven clips. D.W. Horstkoetter of Flying Farther alerted me to this in his recent post. I first watched Romero as an undergraduate in a class on systematic theology taught by Mark Husbands. The first thing I did was show the film to the rest of my family back home. I was astounded by the film’s ability to tell Archbishop Romero’s story without backing away from the profound theology that grounded his subversive theopolitics. The film is really necessary viewing for anyone in the church, anyone who claims to follow Christ. Romero is the closest thing to a sermon on celluloid. If you haven’t seen it yet, then take the time now to watch it all in the clips below.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

Video 6:

Video 7:

Video 8:

Video 9:

Video 10:

Video 11:
