Princeton Theological Review: Analogy of Being
The Princeton Theological Review—the student-run journal I helped to run for two years—has a call for papers out for their spring 2009 issue. The issue will be on the “analogy of being” (analogia entis). It is an especially pertinent theme, considering the renewed interest in von Balthasar, Erich Pryzwara, and Catholic-Barthian relations in general. The topic was chosen primarily in light of the recent ecumenical conference held in Washington, D.C. this past spring. At the 2006 Karl Barth Society meeting at AAR, there was a debate between George Hunsinger and David Bentley Hart over the analogy of being. And Hart, along with John Betz, is translating Pryzwara’s masterpiece, Analogia Entis, due out sometime in 2009.
If you are interested in submitting an article for publication, please send your submissions to the editors of the PTR at ptr-at-ptsem-dot-edu. You can find submission guidelines on their website. Articles should be between 5000-7000 words, though exceptions will be made. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2009.
If you are interested in submitting an article for publication, please send your submissions to the editors of the PTR at ptr-at-ptsem-dot-edu. You can find submission guidelines on their website. Articles should be between 5000-7000 words, though exceptions will be made. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2009.
Basically, and this is my interpretation of what was said between the lines, the effort to keep it going wasn't balancing out with the dividends that it produced. The degree has kind of lost its interest among Presbyterians. It seems like the only ones who get DMins anymore are conservative evangelicals who generally wouldn't come to PTS anyway. That's my personal thought, at least.
What's your interest in the question anyway?
I suppose I don't find it fair that someone cannot engage in a doctoral degree because they cannot create the type of space required for a PhD. I certainly agree with WTM that DMins are not in the same category as PhDs though I don't think this should mean that they do not have the potential of being a legitimate doctoral program.
I would like to continue to study but I am not sure in what direction or what capacity that should be in.
(2) You should check out the continuing education offerings here at PTS. They really have a number of good programs. Despite my DMin bashing (I have just known far too many DMin holders who take their status as 'doctors' far too seriously...), I am a big fan of those in ministry continuing their theological education.