Bonhoeffer Blog Conference: call for respondents
Halden has announced the line-up for his upcoming Bonhoeffer Blog Conference, scheduled for later this fall. Here is the tentative schedule:
- Day 1: Introduction by Halden
- Day 2: ‘Christ my Conscience’: Bonhoeffer on Identity, Moral Integrity, and Christian Community by Chris Green
- Day 3: ‘Being Made in Human Likeness’: ‘Ethics as Formation’ and Von Balthasar’s Concrete Universal by Eric Meyer
- Day 4: Salvation as Humanification: Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Soteriology by Adam McInturf
- Day 5: Bonhoeffer and Levinas (Title TBA) by Eric Roorback
- Day 6: The Ethics of Justification: Bonhoeffer and Jüngel on the Implications of the Doctrine of Justification for Christian Ethics by David W. Congdon
- Day 7: TBA