A sad day
The blogosphere is sorely in need of clear philosophical voices willing to examine the important issues of our time with intellectual rigor and historical consciousness. We have one such voice today.
My friend and colleague, Shane Wilkins, has left the blogosphere with a possible return in the future. This is a great loss. I for one hope that he will return soon. For now, let us mourn the loss of shanewilkins.blogspot.com.
My friend and colleague, Shane Wilkins, has left the blogosphere with a possible return in the future. This is a great loss. I for one hope that he will return soon. For now, let us mourn the loss of shanewilkins.blogspot.com.
If you are in contact with him, David, please pass on my best wishes, and, particularly if there is any trouble, the promise of my prayers.
Hope you guys will enjoy it, even though it is now refocused in a different direction than my old stuff.